irások Lee Perry angol

Lee Scratch Perry
(before the show with Adrian Sherwood at Sziget Festival)
Budapest, August 17, 2008 << magyar >>  Lee Scratch Perry in Budapesten 1

>> 2. part << SK: This is your second time in Hungary. How do you feel? LP: I feel like a likkle monster. SK: Last time you were here you were talking about writing a book. How is it proceeding? LP: It’s still not finished yet. I’m writing my own Bible. The way I see things, the way I feel things and the way I vision things. SK: And about Black Jesus? LP: Yeah, about black shadow. SK: When can we read it? LP: I don’t think it will be finished before the next two years. SK: One of your most recent works is the Pum Pum video. Is it a joke? LP: No, it’s not a joke. The people who love nature have to respect pum pum, because all the children who are here on the planet earth come out of the pum pum, so the pum pum is the creator, pum pum is the mother. So we must love the mother. Because if we don’t love the mother, we got problems, and we could not come out of the batty-hole, we come out of the pum pum hole. So pum pum is special, it’s not a joke. It’s reality. SK: So you think that slackness in Jamaican music today is good? LP: Well, the Jamaicans have a different vibration, and it’s only few of them are spiritual. Them have to eat, them have to live, so anyway them can say something for other people. You have different classes of people, the way they think. Some think spiritual, some think they are raggamuffin, some think they are rebels, but they all have to live, so have to do something that they can live. Is not everybody going to be holy. Few people will be holy, and is not everybody gonna be righteous, only few people will be righteous. So are you the righteuos, don’t watch the unrighteous. Are you the holy, don’t judge the unholy. Just live with them, because this is nature.SK: You think we should follow the righteuos? LP: If you wish to have a future, then you have to follow the righteous. And if you wish for your spirit and your soul to live forever, the you have to follow the righteous. SK: Is that why you stopped the alcohol, the weed, the conflicts? LP: Yeah. SK: You don’t seem to be upsetting anymore. LP: I can be communicating with much easier. When you are drinking you have too much devil inside, when you are smoking you have too much devil inside also. Because you’re fighting against your lungs, you’re polluting your lungs when you smoke. SK: Why do we need it still? LP: Maybe who don’t want to live and don’t have a reason to live, need it. Who wish to live will protect their lungs and respect their lungs, who wish to live will reject the beer and the wine and the alcohol and save their brain cells.SK: Totally? Even when we are young? LP: Yeah. When you are young and you protect your brain cells, you live longer. SK: But you yourself didn’t protect it and still live long. LP: I am an example to find out what it can do. When I find out what it can do, I repent, and tell some people to repent also, because if you wish to live longer, save your brain cells and save your lungs. So all they have to taste it to know what it is, I am the sampler, and the exampler. So I am the sample, and I discovered that when I was smoking too much I was too crazy, and when I was drinking too much I was too lazy. SK: Still, come on, you produced so much even then. LP: Well, the part of me that was producing was holy, so I become good and evil, to know what is good and know what is evil. When I know what is good and what is evil, then I return to righteousness. SK: Why do you often talk so much about excrement? LP: Because there’s no being on this planet earth that can live unless they piss. They will have stoppage of water. No human being can live on this planet unless they shit, they will be constipated. And if they cannot poop they will die. So those are the elements of senses. I respect my piss that allow me to live, because this was what I drink before, it become piss. And I respect my food that enable me to live, because this is the food I eat and it’s the food I eat become shit. SK: Yet usually we are disgusted with what comes out. LP: No, no. If you hate what comes out, then you must hate what you put in. What you in-put is what comes out. So if you don’t respect what you input, how can you respect the output? If you don’t respect what you plug in, then you should not respect what you plug out. SK: Let’s get back to music. You’ve been working with Adrian Sherwood for so long. What’s it like? LP: Whatever sense he has left, when Adrian works with me, they return to him. Whenever he works with me, he can recollect his memory. I know lots of people lost their memory, and when they meet up with the head magician, they regain their memory. SK: Do you remember everything that happened before? LP: Not everything, only what is important. SK: You surely have some bad memories from Jamaica... LP: Yeah, very bad.  SK: It is still so contradictory what we can read about the Black Ark, whether you burned it down or not, and why. How did it really happen? LP: Alright. If you said, I build my house, I build a healing house to heal people, so when people come to your healing house, when you heal them, they take your energy that you give them, and the energy that they have before was not good, so you give them your good energy. And when you give them your good energy that means you heal them and save them. So out of them poverty you make them rich. So when them fight against you, it’s an evil grudge fulfilling. You give good feeling, good energy, and the other people give you in return bad energy. So the bad energy come back to where the good energy come from, so to get rid of it, you have to burn it down with fire. Because you cleanse it when you burn it down with fire. You burn out the evil energy that came to you, and you send back the evil energy back to them that give it to you and take your good energy. That’s the only way you can get rid of it.SK: I heard you are planning to have a new Ark in Switzerland. LP: Yes, it’s working already. I will have people amongst me who have a future now, and not much to heal. I only have a few now to heal. But in Jamaica we are trying to heal all or to heal many. And they not understand what god said. God said many are called but only a few will be chosen, so out of the many who are called, there’s only a few will be there that is holy. But many that they have out there will be sent by the devil to collect energy also. SK: What do you think of the musicians in Jamaica today? LP: Some of them ar OK. It’s not everybody. Like I tell you it’s a prophecy, many are called but a few are good. You understand. You can’t say they are all bad, some are good and some are bad. They have to live so they have to work.SK: Can you say a few names out of the young musicians who you think are good today? LP: Well, I rather say this. I’m an artist, and if I start to call names against other people, it’s not gonna be good for me. And if I choose some people and don’t choose some right now, and them hear about it, it wouldn’t be good for me. So to be wise is the best, and to keep your secret, you live longer. If you don’t keep your secret, you can lose your tongue, and when you don’t have your tongue, you cannot speak anymore. When people ask you questions, you cannot answer. So to keep your life, keep your tongue, and tell them that a few people who are chosen... Maybe they are the people who would be dying early, if I tell you the few people who are chosen, they will kill them. SK: What do you think happens after death? LP: After death you reincarnate, you return to yourself, you return to your soul. Before you sell your soul, there was an angel, so who sell them soul, will return to themselves, because you yourself are an angel. So if you don’t sell your soul for money and for power, when you’re dead, you return to your soul, and you come again and you’re born again, you become another angel to finish your job that you have here to finish.  interview by Stráhl Kati és Vajna Balázs
video and audio by Dr. Iration és Fülöp Farkas
photos by Vera